Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Review: Star Wars: Lando

Star Wars: Lando Star Wars: Lando by Charles Soule
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lando is a decent heist story. This book focuses on a younger version of Lando in which he is still a smuggler and charlatan. He gathers together a group of thieves a la Ocean's Eleven to steal a luxury starship. Things turn from bad to worse when they discover who the owner is.

Soule does a wonderful job capturing the character of Lando. The supporting characters, particularly Lobot, help to round things out. Having read quite a bit of the previous Expanded Universe stuff, I felt like these characters fit right in. And the book as a whole fits well with the stories that Marvel has been telling in the Star Wars setting lately.

View all my reviews

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