Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: Imperium, Vol. 2: Broken Angels

Imperium, Vol. 2: Broken Angels Imperium, Vol. 2: Broken Angels by Joshua Dysart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great follow up to volume one. Harada takes his monstrous henchmen into the depths of the sea to attack PRS's submarine base. These characters are fantastic. It's a lot of fun to read about each of them. The art is topnotch. It pumps up some already pretty great scenes by showing how certain events interplay and the characters come together.

The second half of this book launches into Harada's attempt to dominate Divinity. This focuses much more on Harada and Divinity, leaving the other characters on the sidelines. That's not a bad thing because it allows the book to center around these two titans battling for control. Harada's vision for what the world should be stays important throughout the second volume as well. Can't wait to jump back into the series.

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