Monday, March 13, 2017

Dark Matter Review

Dark Matter. Blake Crouch. 2016. Crown. 352 pages.

Rating: 5/5

This book is amazing. It starts out normally enough: Jason Dessen is a physics professor that has a nice meal with his family and then heads off to have a drink with his buddy. After that is just goes off the rails.

Two things need to be said about this book though. First, it is a love story. That is basically the whole drive behind the main character's actions. He consistently says what he wants. Second, it is a science fiction book. I would not describe it as hard science fiction, so it can be easy to understand despite some out there concepts that are used. Now either of these could be off putting or be an excuse for someone not to pick up this book. Don't allow either of those to be a reason to pass this up.

One of the things I enjoyed about this book is that it was an exploration of choices. Some of these are conscious and others are not, but they are the things that shape our lives. What Crouch does here is look at how those choices change us. The big decisions clearly make an impact, but he finds a way to show that even small decisions that we might not give much thought to can make us who we are. And he does it in a way that is accessible. That is another thing I noticed while reading Dark Matter. It is extremely reader friendly. I wanted to keep reading this book, even if I should have been going to sleep. So unless you need to catch up on sleep, I recommend checking it out.

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