Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Flintstones, Volume 1 Review

The Flintstones, Volume 1. Mark Russell and Steve Pugh. 2017. DC Comics. 168 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a little leery of licensed series like this, but I found Flintstones to be surprisingly enjoyable. It contains a lot of social commentary, which works really well. Overall the book takes the cartoon and modernizes it and makes it more grown up.

The characters get some added dimensions, particularly Fred, Barney, and Wilma. This gives the series some needed depth. But some of the side characters made the book fun. There are cavemen, aliens, a religious leader, and "appliances" that round things out and add humor. My biggest complaint about the story is that the five issues contained in this volume aren't really connected. This works great for reading single issues, where you could just pick one up without missing what came before or after. In this format I was left wanting more. Each issue is a well-crafted, self-contained story.

I am split on the art though. For the most part, it is wonderful. However, sometimes the characters, particularly Fred, seem off. I'm not sure what it is exactly. Probably just odd proportions in some of the drawings. It didn't happen a lot, but it was noticeable and could be distracting. The rest of the art is great though. The references slipped into the background images are superb.

This is a great book to read for some fun and social commentary. It made me laugh numerous times and is worth picking up for that alone.

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