Sunday, March 11, 2018

Review: Jim Shooter: Conversations

Jim Shooter: Conversations Jim Shooter: Conversations by Jason Sacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley I exchange for an honest review.

So I picked this book up because I was interested in learning more about Jim Shooter's time Valiant in the early 90s. Turns out there isn't a lot in here about that period, but it covers Shooter's career in comics pretty in depth. Now, this book is comprised of a series of interviews and there is some repetition as the book goes on. Each interview adds more to the overall picture though.

I recommend this book for anyone that is interested in the history of the comics industry. Sure it's nice to learn more about Shooter specifically and there is a lot in here that I didn't know about him. His insights into the comic industry are fantastic though. These interviews give a nice impression of how comics changed from when Shooter started writing, through his time as editor-in-chief at Marvel, and into his own attempts at creating a comics company with its own cohesive universe.

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