Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Review: Judge Dredd: Origins

Judge Dredd: Origins Judge Dredd: Origins by John Wagner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book. I've only read one other Judge Dredd book, so I don't know a ton about the character. What this book does, rather than acting as an introduction to Dredd himself, goes into the history of the world in which he operates. So we get to see quite a bit about how the Judges came into existence and became such prominent figures in the Mega Cities of this futuristic world. Plus, it gives some insight into the existence of so many mutants and explores some of the dynamics between the castes of characters in the setting.

Dredd continues to be somewhat of an enigma for me though. Even after seeing his origin story, this book didn't really feel like it was about the character. It is pretty fantastic for what it brings to the table though. I think the art took some time to grow on me. It's kind of gritty like the story that it is helping to tell. With this book behind me, I'm certainly willing to read more about Dredd and the world he inhabits.

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