Friday, February 8, 2019

Review: Shadowman, Volume 4: Fear, Blood, and Shadows

Shadowman, Volume 4: Fear, Blood, and Shadows Shadowman, Volume 4: Fear, Blood, and Shadows by Peter Milligan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Weirdly enough, almost the entire time I was reading this volume, I felt like I had already read it. I don't mean that as a slight against the story because a lot of that feeling came from the art. I'm not sure if there were some callbacks to this volume in the recent series that is coming out or what.

Anyway, this book tries to give Jack Boniface some personality and sort of acts as a call back to the original series from the 90s. Jack is having some anger issues and finds himself waking up in alleys covered in blood. The Abettors, who were introduced as a group meant to assist Shadowman, are looking to usurp Jack because of his unpredictability. Meanwhile, Alyssa is trying to fall in love with him? I don't really know what is going on there. It makes sense that they might have a romantic relationship at some point, but for all the talk of it in this book neither of them really seem into it.

But the art works well with the story. It is as dark and brooding as the story is. There are some decent story ideas presented in this volume. I like the fact that the shadow loa gets an opportunity to show off its goals. The execution is a bit lacking though. None of the story beats really got me excited for the character. Through the first four volumes of this series the story has been pretty fractured and it shows.

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