Tuesday, February 16, 2016

ODY-C, Volume 1 Review

ODY-C, Volume 1: Off to Far Ithicaa. Matt Fraction. 2015. Image Comics. 136 pages.

Rating: 2/5

ODY-C is a reimagining of Homer's epic as a space opera. This seems like an amazing idea to me, but the execution falls short. One major difference is that the cast is entirely women. There is an explanation within the story for this, which fits pretty well. Another difference is the order of events. It starts around the same point, but the trials are where it differs.

This made the story feel disjointed because it didn't follow the expected story. On top of that, the characters aren't introduced properly. It felt like the reader is expected to be familiar with all of them already.

Despite these failings, there are elements that I enjoyed. The art is fantastic. This was the driving force for me. I also liked the all female cast. They set the story apart from the original in a unique way that is supported throughout. The whole scene involving the Cyclops was great. It just didn't have the oomph to carry the whole book.

Maybe if I was more familiar with the original I would have enjoyed this more. This is worth checking out for the art at least.

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