Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Dreadful Fate of Jonathan York Review

The Dreadful Fate of Jonathan York: A Yarn for the Strange at Heart. Kory Merritt. 2015. Andrews McMeal Publishing. 128 pages.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC for free from NetGalley

Rating: 4/5

Jonathan York is a mild-mannered man who gets lost in a swamp. He stumbles across a trio of travelers, who help him find a safe haven. The payment to stay at the inn is a story. York cannot tell a story and is sent back into the swamp, where he has a series of adventures. York learns a few things about himself and finds his way back to the inn. The very end is particularly satisfying after seeing York grow.

I liked the story well enough, but it is the visuals that accompany the story that I loved. The creatures that York encounters remind me of something out of a Dr. Seuss book mixed with Alice in Wonderland. Each one is unique and has a dark quality about it. The tone is fairly light to balance things out.

Recommended for middle school students and fairy tale enthusiasts.

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