Friday, February 26, 2016

The Hockey Saint Review

The Hockey Saint. Howard Shapiro. 2014. Animal Media Group. 133 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received an eARC for free from NetGalley.

The Hockey Saint centers around two hockey players, one amateur and one professional, that quickly become friends. Tom Leonard is a college student who idolizes Jeremiah Jacobson and seizes an opportunity to meet him.

The bond that forms between the two men occurs naturally, and doesn't feel forced. The effect they have on each, good and bad, is slower to develop and deepens their relationship.

There are two elements that threw me off the book: the artwork and the investigation into Jeremiah. One of the league executives auapects Jeremiah of misconduct and hires a former FBI agent to investigate him. A lot of the story surrounding the investigation is repetitive, while the art felt understated throughout.

I enjoyed The Hockey Saint for the most part. Although it is presented as a hockey story, it is more about the characters and their relationship.

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