Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Armor Hunters Review

Armor Hunters. Robert Venditti and Doug Braithwaite. 2014. Valiant Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 5/5

I am continually impressed with the quality of the books from Valiant. This one came in the June 2016 Comic Bento box, which features a long time Valiant hero, X-O Manowar. He is a Visigoth from the 5th century that wears a suit of alien armor, which gives him incredible abilities. In this book, a group of hunters that have been tracking down these suits of armor comes to Earth.

There is a lot of action in this book. It moves along very quickly without sacrificing the story. The bad guys do represent some common tropes to superhero comics, but their motives for coming to Earth make sense. Their abilities and actions match perfectly for their mission. Never did they feel incapable or like they were pushovers.

This is an "event" book, which means that there are other Valiant titles that tie into this story. It stands well enough on its own that you probably don't need to read those other books. I liked this one so much that I plan to pick up those other books just to see how the rest of the story plays out. For the sake of saving space, some of the action takes place off screen and probably gets featured in one of those other books. I've read some books that take place after this one, and it's great to see that what happens here carries through to future books.

I loved the art. It is part of what was so engrossing about the book. I wanted to keep reading partly because there are some gorgeous drawings, even when it includes destruction. I'll admit that there were a few that struck me as odd, but they never got in the way of my enjoyment of this book.

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