Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Review: Cyborg, Volume 1: The Imitation Of Life

Cyborg, Volume 1: The Imitation Of Life Cyborg, Volume 1: The Imitation Of Life by John Semper Jr.
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I thought this book started out okay, but went downhill pretty quickly. It's not all bad. The writing in particular did not appeal to me though. I felt like it fell back on some really bad tropes from superhero books, specifically bringing back villains thought dead and nonsense dream sequences. These elements could have been integrated so much better into the story. Instead it takes hold and goes over the top.

Having thought about this book compared to the very first volume of Teen Titans, it is interesting to see how some things have remained with the character. The relationship with his dad is fleshed out a bit more here. It manages to carry some of the struggle that existed between them from the beginning. I would have liked to have seen more of that emphasized, especially with numerous references to Cyborg's mother and the way her death created tension for him and his father.

There is certainly more of his background mentioned in this book, which should make it easier for new readers to get into it. It just falls short in a lot of the dialogue and the plot that it could easily turn someone off of the book. Mostly I enjoyed the art. There are instances where it is difficult to make out exactly what is going on. The times where it gets things right art wise far outweigh the moments that left me scratching my head. I like where this book was going. I'm not sure its enough for me to take a chance on the next volume though.

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