Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Review: Deadly Class, Volume 1: Reagan Youth

Deadly Class, Volume 1: Reagan Youth Deadly Class, Volume 1: Reagan Youth by Rick Remender
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I want to start out by saying that I've enjoyed probably everything I've read that Rick Remender has written. I haven't gone out of my way to read his book. They just seem to resonate with me in some way. Deadly Class takes the reader into a school for assassins during the late 1980s. I'm interested to see where it will go based solely on the time period the story is set in. Marcus, who is our hero maybe?, starts out homeless and running from the cops when he gets recruited into this school. Everything that follows encompasses shenanigans that you might expect to see involving the new kid.

The biggest drawback for me in this book is the characters. They all start out quite tropey. Some of them begin taking strides to move past that by the end of this volume though. The other thing that is throwing me off about them is that none of them are particularly likeable. Not surprising since they are being trained to murder people. Maybe these are things that will get addressed further into the series.

Anyway, that's enough of what I didn't care for. I really like the way that the story is structured. It flows pretty nicely and even the off the wall elements make sense within the context of the story. And the art is great. There is some drug use in the book and the art does a great job bringing that part to life. I'm looking forward to reading the next volume, if only to see what crazy stuff Remender decides to jam into the next part of the story.

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