Sunday, March 10, 2019

Review: Midas

Midas Midas by Ryan North
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Suppose Midas actually existed. How would that work? What would it do to our world? This book explores those questions and throws a decent sci-fi story on top of it. A crew happens to discover the location of Earth millennia after Midas lived. Their goal: to use him to defeat the empire that is slowly taking over every planet in the universe by any means necessary.

I thought the idea behind this book was fantastic. For the most part, I enjoyed the characters. And the art was pretty good, although it was a bit more cartoony than I tend to go for. Everything that went into the story of Midas and the implications it has for the rest of the story are top notch. I felt like it dragged at times though. This was somewhat made up for by the interactions between the characters. While the idea of this enormous evil empire is nothing original, and the bad guys went over the top at times, it did work for the story.

I'd definitely recommend it for anyone looking for an interesting sci-fi series that is self contained.

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