Thursday, April 6, 2017

Archer & Armstrong, Volume 2 Review

Archer & Armstrong, Volume 2: Wrath of the Eternal Warrior. Fred Van Lente, Emanuela Lupacchino, and Guillermo Ortego. 2013. Valiant Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Volume 2 picks up right where volume 1 left off, both from a story standpoint and in terms of design. That's perfect for me. This book is so much fun because it doesn't take itself too seriously. Watch out though. There is plenty of good content here that creates a backdrop for the series. Some new characters are introduced and more is revealed about our heroes. The Geomancer is a particular favorite of mine among the new characters. She is unexpected in many ways, which makes her progression through the book satisfying.

Van Lente does an excellent job of bringing the characters to life. Despite all the silliness, or perhaps because of it, they feel like fleshed out people. Since I've started reading the Valiant titles, I've been a huge fan of the art. Not every piece works for me, but it doesn't have to either. I felt like the art in this book was a step up over the previous volume. This is a great series to jump into the Valiant universe with.

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