Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My Drunk Kitchen Review

My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking & Going With Your Gut. Hannah Hart. 2014. Dey Street Books. 240 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Two quick things. First, I have never watched Hannah Hart's YouTube channel, so there might be some quirks to this book that would appeal to fans of her show that I am not aware of. Second, this is not really a cookbook. It's more of a personal reflection centered around food.

That being said, this book is entertaining. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, which may have helped, but Hannah can be quite silly. Her sense of humor (lots of puns!) might not be right for everyone. I dig the formatting for the book because it is set up like a traditional cookbook. Each "course" corresponds to different points in a relationship and the "recipes" relate to that course. The recipes have an introductory section, ingredients (which sometimes are ridiculously short or incomplete), and directions.

There is a bit of a make it up as you go attitude when it comes to food prep. She comes up with some clever ideas for substituting ingredients on favorite dishes. Are these going to work for everyone? No. The idea behind it is fun though and might help remove some of the intimidation that people have around cooking. Along with that, I enjoy the information on how she started her YouTube show and some of the difficulties she had along the way. Despite some serious moments, this is a fun, quirky book that is good for reading with a nice drink.

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