Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bandette, Volume 2 Review

Bandette, Volume 2: Stealers, Keepers! Paul Tobin and Coleen Coover. 2016. Dark Horse Books. 136 pages.

Rating: 3/5

It took me a while to get into volume one of this series. With that setup it was much easier to get into volume two. Bandette and her rival, Monsieur, agree to a heist competition where each one tries to steal the most items from the gangsters in Finis. Despite the exuberance and lightheartedness that Bandette embodies, this book seemed darker than the first. It probably has something to do with the whole organized crime aspect and the hitman that is hunting Bandette. Those make this volume more serious than the first.

While a lot of the same style of quips and references are used in this volume, my favorite element of the first volume, namely the extended cast of urchins that help Bandette out, is missing. That  supporting cast made her a lot more likeable in my opinion. Without them, she feels a little flat. The creators play up the rivalry between Bandette and Monsieur a bit more and showcase Absinthe as the villain.

I enjoyed the art once again, and the extra information at the back of the book makes it much better because the creators reveal the inspiration for some of the characters. Those additional pieces at the end really round out the book by fleshing out the cast. Fans of the first volume won't be disappointed.

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