Monday, December 18, 2017

Bitch Planet, Vol. 2 Review

Bitch Planet, Volume Two: President Bitch. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro, and Taki Soma. 2017. Image Comics. 144 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Let's start a riot! This book takes us back to the prison planet and goes into the aftermath at the end of volume one. While the first volume was more of an establishing book, introducing the setting and the characters, this second volume takes more focus and fleshes out a few specific aspects. DeConnick's writing is good and the art team does a wonderful job driving things home.

Starting with the art, there is a lot of nudity and violence. This shouldn't be a surprise for anyone that read the first book, but I think it still needs to be said. Anyone that might have been expecting this to let up in that regard will be disappointed. I think the illustrations normalize the setting. For one, the characters are fairly ordinary. There are a wide range of body types but nothing inhuman. And the locations feel like they could be set on Earth somewhere even though much of the book takes place on another planet.

The plot mostly follows one character. We get to see her background as far as the events that led up to her imprisonment. There are some great elements the suggest the type of world these characters are living in, particularly the secret meetings intended to educate young women. I like this glimpse into the regime and how ordinary citizens are reacting to it.

That part of the story is mixed with the present day. The focal character is searching for her sister and ends up finding someone much more influential to the setting. Add on top of this a riot that leads to exposing more of what the regime is up to and the story comes together pretty nicely. It does leave some questions on where the series is going. I like the direction its going in and can't wait to get more of it.

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