Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Review: From the Dead

From the Dead From the Dead by Warren Ellis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellis' take on Moon Knight is quite wonderful. This book really captures both the in your face nature of Moon Knight and the sheer insanity of Marc Spector, the man behind the mask.

This volume is made up of a series of loosely connected short stories. I don't recall an overarching storyline that you might get in other comic volumes. It doesn't really matter because each of these stories can stand on their own just fine. Some of the stories pull in more supernatural elements, which work well for with the character but aren't always used. Moon Knight also tries to play well with the NYPD. I liked these interactions. It gives Moon Knight a supporting cast that he turns to as it suits his need.

I loved the art. One thing that I think this volume brings to the character is the full on white suit that he wears from time to time. The visual element this brings to the book is great. And that is another thing this book does fantastically. Besides the white suit and his traditional costume, there are a couple other variations that look awesome. These also serve as a way to explore the character's psyche without spelling it out.

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