Saturday, December 30, 2017

Review: Lucifer, Volume 1: Cold Heaven

Lucifer, Volume 1: Cold Heaven Lucifer, Volume 1: Cold Heaven by Holly Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Since this book is bound to draw comparisons to Mike Carey's Lucifer series, so I will start out by saying that it is not as good. That doesn't mean this one is bad by any means though. It takes the ideas and characters from that series and builds on them.

Lucifer is back and God is dead. All signs point to Lucifer as the culprit, so he sets out to clear his name along with Gabriel. Things are compounded by a mysterious wound in Lucifer's side that won't close. This gives him motivation to return that makes it so this story doesn't disregard the way the previous series left off.

I like the way the characters are portrayed. Black does a decent job capturing the smarminess and intelligence of Lucifer. Where the book tends to shine is capitalizing on the setting. It pulls in some recognizable characters like Cain and Abel and Mazikeen. The story pulls in some familiar settings like the land of Dreaming. This allows the art to stand out too. There are some really wonderful sequences that could only take place in such a realm.

This book will probably appeal to readers interested in getting into the setting for the first time, rather than fans of the previous series. It does a lot of work to establish who the characters are and their place in the world. After setting the stage in volume one, I am looking forward to picking up the second volume to see where it takes things.

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