Monday, December 18, 2017

Faith and the Future Force Review

Faith and the Future Force. Jody Houser, Stephen Segovia, and Barry Kitson. 2017. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really like Faith and most of the Valiant comics in general. This one didn't really work for me though because it felt kind of rushed. It does include some of the humor and references that I would expect from the featured characters though.

The main plotline in this book is that there is a killer robot from an alternate timeline that wants to destroy the Valiant universe. Neela, who was introduced in the Ivar, Timewalker series, reaches out to Faith for help in stopping the robot. This mixture works well because they are both kind of sci-fi nerds, one by choice and one by circumstance. There isn't a ton of characterization, which is what I tend to respond to in books.

The plot on this one felt more like a traditional superhero comic book than I'm used to getting from Valiant. Although the idea of a malicious robot bent on killing everything isn't new, the creators put a decent spin on it that leads to a satisfying ending. There is some repetition in the story as they work through how to defeat the robot. It's fun to see the ever increasing cast of characters that are brought in to fight this threat.

I liked the art though. The characters are drawn really well. There are visual cues that add some humor to the book that would be lost in another format, so I appreciate that they used the medium in a good way. The way it is designed sort of reminds me of Groundhog Day. I want to see more from these characters, but there needs to be some more substance.

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