Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Review: Archer & Armstrong, Volume 5: Mission: Improbable

Archer & Armstrong, Volume 5: Mission: Improbable Archer & Armstrong, Volume 5: Mission: Improbable by Fred Van Lente
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Volume 5 of Archer & Armstrong crosses over this series with Bloodshot. I've been a big fan of both of these series and felt like it did a good job bringing these characters together. The volume starts off with a 0 issue on Archer, which is nice because his background has been a bit of a mystery. That issue also kicks off the crossover.

This builds nicely on the previous volume of Archer & Armstrong by having Project Rising Spirit react to Archer's new position and trying to take him out. There are some really fun moments in this book, particularly when it comes to Armstrong. I think anyone that enjoyed Sect Civil War should like this volume as well because of the way the story builds off that book. Tying this in with Bloodshot and the H.A.R.D. Corps gives it more opportunities for some fun action sequences.

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