Saturday, May 26, 2018

Review: Night's Dominion, Vol. 1

Night's Dominion, Vol. 1 Night's Dominion, Vol. 1 by Ted Naifeh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, that was a heck of a ride. Night's Dominion moves at a pretty good clip and is entertaining along the way. Anyone that has played D&D will recognize some nods to the game, starting with the way the group of characters come together. These characters represent certain archetypes and even dip into the superhero genre for a couple of them.

Things start out simply enough: a young woman has become a thief to get the money to free her brother from prison (I'm not even going to touch that one). But there is something more sinister going on in the city. This plotline for the control of the city plays out pretty well. There is enough politicking in the book to make it seem plausible without grinding things to a halt. I like how this portion of the story conflicts with what the heroine is trying to accomplish to draw her into the larger story.

Although the characters don't get a ton of development in this volume, it still was an enjoyable story. It does a nice job laying the groundwork for future books in which each of the characters introduced could grow more. I liked the art style too, which is always helpful for graphic narratives. This book should appeal to anyone that enjoys the fantasy genre, and I particularly recommend it for people that might have been turned off by Rat Queens.

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