Saturday, November 24, 2018

Review: Port of Shadows

Port of Shadows Port of Shadows by Glen Cook
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm a huge fan of the Black Company series. Croaker is an awesome character, and this book is basically all about him, so I thought it was pretty fantastic. This takes place between a couple of the earlier books in the series. It touches on some events from the first book, but not enough that you'd have to read that book. This book can be confusing as hell despite that. I found that just sitting back, enjoying the story, and not worrying about where it was going helped a whole lot.

There are appearances by some favorite characters (mostly the Company wizards), some old enemies (the Taken), and some new faces. The mix of characters worked well for this story. The creepy necromancer's part of the tale works out great in the end. It seems out of place at the beginning, but the different perspective is nice. This is not a perfect book by any means, but I so enjoy Cook's writing style and, even though the Company takes a bit of a break in this book, it was great to get an opportunity to return to this setting and the characters. I'm ready for more stories about the Black Company.

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