Thursday, March 10, 2016

Batman, Defender of Gotham City Review

Batman, Defender of Gotham City: The Incredible Story of the Dark Knight. Dean King. 2012. Platinum Publishing. 74 pages.

Rating: 3/5

The information in Batman, Defender of Gotham City is great for the uninitiated. It gives an overview of Batman's publication history, beginning in 1939. It continues through the various eras, touching on the comic series and the TV and film adaptations. Long time fans of the Dark Knight could pass this by since it wouldn't add much to their knowledge of the vigilante.

I would have liked to have seen a much more in-depth look at Batman. As a primer, this is a good book, but there is a bit of repetition for such a short piece. The editing is subpar in places, particularly toward the end of the book. The top ten Batman story arcs contain some good choices, and there are even a couple I haven't read yet. Now I'm inspired to seek those out.

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