Friday, March 25, 2016

Free Image Comic: Ringside #1

Image Comics is currently offering a digital copy of Ringside #1 available for free. Find it on the Image website or Comixology. This will be available until 3/30/2016 at 11:59 PST.

Ringside #1. Joe Keatinge, Nick Barber, Simon Gough, and Ariana Maher. 2015. Image Comics. 38 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I feel like my connection to wrestling is matched pretty well with the creators of Ringside. It isn't something I follow any more, but I have watched on and off over the years.

Anyway, Ringside is about a former wrestler, Danny "The Minotaur" Knossos. His story reminds me of the movie The Wrestler, but he seems to have things together a bit more in this first issue than the guy in the movie. We get a tour of his former associates and an introduction to a young wrestler trying to make a name for himself.

The story didn't blow me away, but it is a nice introduction to the setting and characters. There is clearly more to Dan than we see here. The ending should hook anyone that enjoys the rest of the story into checking out more of the series.

The art is fine, but there are times where shadows are used almost excessively. There are points where it works to give a good reveal though. I feel like the creators could have shown a bit of the characters and built a bit more into the world. It's hard to judge based off one issue how the rest of the series will go.

The column at the end was great. I always enjoy reading what the creators have to say about themes,  influences, and the characters they created. They make some excellent connections that I wouldn't have thought of myself.

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