Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ms. Marvel, Volume 2 Review

Ms. Marvel, Volume 2: Generation Why. G. Willow Wilson, Jacob Wyatt, and Adrian Alphona. 2015. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Check out my review of Ms. Marvel, Volume 1.

Generation Why continues the adventures of Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel. This book is more focused, while expanding on some of the themes from the first book. It centers around her encounters with the villain known as the Inventor.

Kamala is still unsure of herself, trying to figure out the extent of her powers. Plus, she is struggling to balance her personal life with her superhero persona. These come to a head a couple of times in this volume. These aren't unique themes to the genre, but they are handled pretty well here. I like that this tension leads to an explanation of how she obtained her powers, although it felt like there are more details that need to be given yet.

Having the Inventor and his creations appearing throughout the entire arc made it feel more cohesive. The problem with the missing kids is explained, and its done in a really smart way. It asks questions on what the place of teenagers are in the world and delves into environmentalism. Kamala's personality comes through more as well. I kept seeing her labeled as a nerd, but the first book didn't really give me that impression. That aspect is more solid here without being over the top.

One thing bugged me while I was reading this though: why doesn't anyone notice that Kamala and Ms. Marvel have the same giant dog with a tuning fork on its head? Oh well, its still a fun read.

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