Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Shadow Hero Review

The Shadow Hero. Gene Luen Yang and Sonny Liew. 2014. First Second. 176 pages.

Rating: 5/5

The Shadow Hero tells the origin story of the first Chinese superhero, the Green Turtle. This is based off a short lived comic series from the 1940s. Hank Chu is living in the city of San Inciendo with his parents living a normal life until his mother decides that he should become a superhero. The sequence of "tests" that she puts him through is amusing and reminiscent of many origin stories for other heroes.

There is a lot here that is very tongue-in-cheek. In spite of the levity, the story can get quite serious. Hank is reluctant to take on the superhero mantle. Family is something that is very important to him and events surrounding his family push him to fulfill his mother's wish, edging the line between levity and tragedy.

This book is really well balanced: drama and comedy, eastern and western cultures, individual and family. The creators do a great job supporting this in the story and the art. The characters have life to them and there is depth to the book. I can't recommend it enough.

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