Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Champions: No Time For Losers Review

The Champions: No Time For Losers. Tony Isabella, Bill Mantlo, Don Heck, George Tuska, John Byrne, and Gil Kane. 2016. Marvel. 99 pages.

Rating: 2/5

The Champions is a superhero group set in the Marvel universe led by Black Widow. The other members of the team are Hercules, Angel, Iceman, and Ghost Rider. It's an odd mix of characters, but they actually work well together.

There are two story arcs in this book. The story arcs are about as ridiculous as the team itself. In the first arc, Pluto, the god of the underworld, attacks the UCLA campus in an attempt to capture Hercules and Venus, the goddess of love. His plan is to force them to marry his allies and use that as leverage to be able to take over Olympus. The second arc features a villain known as the Swarm, a former Nazi that now has control over killer bees. That should give you an idea of what to expect.

The stories actually aren't that bad. They are put together pretty well. As odd as it seems that these particular characters come together, there are reasons for each of them to be in the area when the attacks occur. Where the book falls short for me is in the style of the book. These stories were originally published in the 1970s, and it shows. There is too much repetition as the characters recap what happened in the previous issues. I understand why it was done that way, but it breaks me out of the story and makes the whole experience less enjoyable.

The art is decent. It is dated a bit, much like some of the writing elements used. There are only a couple times where it struck me as being really good. The book is somewhat progressive by putting Black Widow in the lead role on the team. It's an interesting time capsule of Marvel comics, but nothing too exciting.

I received this book as part of the November 2016 box from Comic Bento.

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