Monday, December 19, 2016

Thrud the Barbarian Review

Thrud the Barbarian. Carl Critchlow. 2013. Titan Comics. 110 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Here's what you need to know: Thrud has a small head, he likes beer, and his approach to every situation is to smash things. The book has a rather silly premise. Every one of the stories could stand alone. I think they work pretty well together.

I'll start by saying that the art is the highlight of this series. Aside from some glaring anatomical disparities, it is fantastic. The style reminds me of Mike Mignola's art, but this originally came out about 10 years earlier. It's worth checking out for the art alone.

The stories are pretty simple. Thrud is trying to enjoy some beer and either someone spills it or he runs out. Whatever the case may be, he is motivated to fight the person who spilled his beer or go on an adventure to obtain more beer. The tales go through a range of locations and enemies for Thrud to fight. They just aren't different enough from each other for my taste.

I received this as part of the November 2016 Comic Bento box.

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