Saturday, December 3, 2016

Four Letter Worlds Review

Four Letter Worlds. Joe Casey and Jay Faerber. 2005. Image Comics. 144 pages.

Rating: 3/5

This book is an anthology of 16 short stories. There are four main sections: love, hate, fear, and fate. Each of these sections contains four stories related to the theme.

For the most part, I enjoyed the stories. The writing and the art vary quite a bit, which is both a strength and a weakness of this type of book. It makes it possible for a reader to be exposed to an array of creators and content, sampling small amounts that might launch them into a creator's other works.

None of the stories in this anthology were awful. The only one that really impressed me was "Spin" because it is able to tell a story and show the connection to a theme without using any dialogue or exposition. The art conveys everything the reader needs to know and does so wonderfully.

The book exists in a sort of limbo for me. I like the concept behind it, and most of the stories are pretty good. But it didn't leave much of an impression on me.

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