Thursday, December 8, 2016

These Are My Friends on Politics Review

These Are My Friends on Politics: A Children's Book for Adults (Who Occasionally Behave Like Kids). Billy O'Keefe. 2016. Inkshares. 64 pages.

Rating: 2/5

Disclaimer: I received a free copy via Goodreads Giveaways in exchange for an honest review.

This book didn't strike a chord with me at all. Maybe I'm just lucky that the people in my life don't act anywhere near what is depicted in this book. It mostly is poking fun at the way people behave when it comes to politics. And there are funny parts. I think the creator has a good pulse on some common social behaviors. Too bad those are just asides to the main focus, which is the way people discuss politics.

The art is cartoonish, which is expected given the subtitle. The interior drawings match the cover art, which is nice to see. Being a creator owned piece rather than coming from a large publisher probably plays a part in that. The layout didn't really work for me though. Every page has the illustrations at the top, depicting all of the characters on the cover image interacting in different ways. These might be the best part of the book because they can be hilarious. Just keep an eye on the pets and the baby. The bottom portion of the page contains the text. It's not a terrible layout, but it felt like two separate pieces that didn't get integrated.

If you want to see people argue about politics, this is the book for you. More importantly, if you like supporting indie writers, I recommend picking it up. It wasn't the right book for me and that's ok.

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