Thursday, February 16, 2017

Love Volume 4 Review

Love, Volume 4: The Dinosaur. Frederic Brremaud and Federico Bertolucci. 2017. Magnetic Press. 80 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I've read one other book in this series and I think the concept is great. Each book follows an animal over a period of time, depicting its natural environment. The entire story is told using illustrations; there are no words used in the book at all.

Given the format of the book, the illustrations need to be fantastic. I feel that is accomplished in this book. The creators have an opportunity to draw a lot of different dinosaurs in this short work. Those depictions are amazing. They take something that is both familiar and foreign and breathe life into it. The natural surroundings are used wonderfully to highlight the animals and give a sense of the environment.

This volume fell a little short for me because the sequence of events shown in the illustrations didn't always make sense. It's not that they weren't put in the right order, but they jumped around at times where I lost sight of the little guy that is central to the book. These tangents just made it feel less cohesive to me.

The book is all about the art and should be picked up for that alone.

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