Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Grownup Review

The Grownup. Gillian Flynn. 2015. Crown. 64 pages.

Rating: 4/5

This is a nice little ghost story. It starts off a bit odd, but it makes sense for the scope of the book. I found it a little off-putting. Stick with it. It gets better. The main character is odd because she admits to being manipulative. Everything she does should lead to her being very unlikeable. Flynn's writing is strong enough to get the reader to side with her though.

The crux of the story centers around a haunted house and a disturbed young man. The mother comes to the protagonist for help, not knowing what she is getting into. I think the family dynamics are the most disturbing part of the story. The end twists around itself in a way that leaves everything ambiguous. I loved that because it fits the rest of the story. It  may leave other readers unsatisfied.

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