Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bloodshot, Vol. 3 Review

Bloodshot, Volume Three: Harbinger Wars. Duane Swierczynski, Barry Kitson, and Stefano Gaudiano. 2013. Valiant Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I rather enjoyed this volume. It follows directly on the heels of volume two. Bloodshot, the super soldier with tiny robots called nanites in his blood, and a group of young kids that were being held by his former employer are on the run. They are special because they are psiots, which basically means they have super powers.

This book ties into the Harbinger Wars event (hence the subtitle) and covers the major events featuring Bloodshot. One thing I really liked is that the way the book is written, you don't need to read the other portions to understand this one. There are elements that tie into the rest of the overarching story. They serve to build on the miniseries without detracting from this book.

One thing about Bloodshot is that he has no memory of his past, so the reader gets to learn a lot about who he is as he is discovering it himself. With this volume, the story delves into why he was created and just how strong of a hold Project Rising Spirit (the organization that introduced him to the nanites) has on him. It also shows how strongly he will fight their programming.

There is a lot of action in this book, much like the previous volumes. It can get pretty gruesome at times too. The ick factor and how much damage the nanites are able to repair are two elements I enjoy about this series. They allow him to do things that similar books just wouldn't be able to pull off. The art adds a lot to the story at these points and is pretty great overall. The volume ends abruptly and left me with mixed feelings.

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