Sunday, November 19, 2017

Space Riders, Vol. 1 Review

Space Riders, Volume One: Vengeful Universe. Fabian Rangel and Alexis Ziritt. 2015. Black Mask Comics. 112 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Wow. This book is beyond ridiculous. The characters fly around in a spaceship shaped like a skull and fight all manner of creatures. There are robots, aliens, and even a giant space whale. And the colors are weird in a really good way. They are super colorful, which doesn't happen much in science fiction books.

The actual story left a little to be desired. It follows the captain of this ship as he seeks redemption for a failed mission. He is joined by a robot shaped like a female human, with nipples that shoot lasers, and a semi-pacifist ape. This is a fun book for all the unusual elements. I just didn't feel like I had a whole lot of reason to care about the characters or what happened with them. Worth checking out none-the-less.

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