Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Gotham Academy, Vol. 1 Review

Gotham Academy, Volume One: Welcome to Gotham Academy. Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, and Karl Kerschl. 2015. DC Comics. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

It took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did I enjoyed it a lot. Part of the problem for me is that the main character, Olive Silverlock, is suffering from amnesia. This trope is really overdone and can be hard to pull off well. I think when the book moved away from that part of the story and got into the relationships between the students it got stronger. The whole amnesia thing is sort of resolved by the end of the volume, which is a huge plus.

Being an institution in Gotham City, Gotham Academy is old and believed to be haunted. After the students return from summer break, there are strange things happening around the campus. A group of students including Olive decide that they are going to investigate. Quite a bit happens from there, including the appearance of Bruce Wayne and a couple Batman villains. I really like what they do with Killer Croc and the (possibly unintentional) reference to my favorite line from the Batman animated series from the early 90s.

The art is really good. It took a little getting used to because it is a different style than I usually see. It works perfectly for the book and the colors complement it nicely. This book is a nice change of pace from the other DC books I've read recently. Recommended for those that want something different than the usual superhero fare.

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