Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Review: An Anonymous Girl

An Anonymous Girl An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book creepy, which means it probably did a pretty good job of getting its point across. The relationship between Jess and Dr. Shields takes so many turns over the course of the book. It's crazy that it all starts with Jess swindling her way into a morality study that Dr. Shields is conducting. The basis of that study bleeds through the entire book. It's interesting how much of an impact it has on Jess and the times where she self "corrects" her choices based on being part of this study.

Part of the story is told through the second person. This threw me a bit when it first happened because it isn't something that I've encountered a lot in the books that I've read. Add the strange relationship between the two characters on top of it, and it takes that creep factor to the next level. The story is definitely engaging. I kept wanting to read more of it.

The writers really flesh out Jess' motivation for why she even started on the path in this book and made it seem plausible that she would continue even after things get weird. It's a gradual progression. And while the book takes place over a relatively short period of time, it seemed spaced out well enough to allow for the development of the relationship between Jess and Dr. Shields. This book is a bit different from what I normally read. It was a great detour.

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