Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Review: X-O Manowar (2017) Vol. 5: Barbarians (X-O Manowar

X-O Manowar (2017) Vol. 5: Barbarians (X-O Manowar X-O Manowar (2017) Vol. 5: Barbarians (X-O Manowar by Matt Kindt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Volume 5 takes a bit of a break for Aric. He's on a journey back to Earth and takes a side trip inside his head. We get to go into his past again, which is something that I always enjoy seeing. It shows off his impetuous side some more and lets us see that he is more than a guy from a rural part of the Roman Empire. I like that rather than jumping right back into things on Earth, we get to see what Aric might be thinking about on his trip back.

This arc also brings in a new character that is different from others that we've seen from Valiant to this point. His story is fun to watch unfold. I'm interested to see how he will be used in the future. He paired up nicely with Aric along the way too. The art is pretty good. There are a couple action scenes that didn't flow the best for me. That wasn't enough to pull me out of the story though. Aric's story continues to be a blast to read.

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