Sunday, December 30, 2018

Review: Vampirella (2011-2014) Vol. 1: Crown of Worms (Vampirella

Vampirella (2011-2014) Vol. 1: Crown of Worms (Vampirella Vampirella (2011-2014) Vol. 1: Crown of Worms (Vampirella by Eric Trautmann
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I haven't read a whole lot of Vampirella, but I've read enough to know the basics. The thing about this book is that the introduction does a whole lot more to clue readers into what is going on with the character than the actual story. It hits those basic elements and doesn't really dig any deeper. Maybe long time fans that know everything that has been going on with Vampirella before this book kicks off will get more out of it.

Vampirella is back after a tragedy and ready to kick vampire butt. She comes across a strange cult that might be better served in an H.P. Lovecraft story. The cult, and their god, become the driving force for the rest of the story. It even pushes Vampirella to team up with her nemesis Dracula. But it also brings in a human companion for Vampirella that gives some life to the book. We get some small glimpses of her backstory as she helps fight the vampire cult. And the book has plenty of action, which is actually something I would expect from this character. That actually helps keep things moving along at times.

I wouldn't recommend this as a place to start out with the character. It's a decent enough book, but might leave too many gaps to be friendly for new readers. It didn't wow me enough to want to continue with the series either.

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