Saturday, December 22, 2018

Review: Invincible, Compendium One

Invincible, Compendium One Invincible, Compendium One by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I don't know if it's Kirkman's writing or the superhero themes, but this book didn't do it for me. It felt like it just dragged on forever. Part of that is because there is so much packed into this compendium. However, the actual story beats felt like they were dragged out. On top of that, most of the characters didn't interest me. That might have been the hardest part of reading this book. I didn't much care what happened to these characters.

It wasn't all bad though. There were certainly moments, mostly in the latter half of the collected issues, that were really good. And there is obviously a lot of thought that went into the characters and the organizations involved in the book. The art style isn't my favorite. Yet it did grow on me as I read further into the book. And there are moments visually that both amused me and felt over used (the outside of the government facility that is featured in almost every issue is one of them).

This collection is really meant for diehard fans. Or someone who finds it at a huge discount that wants to dip their toes into the universe. I fell in the second category and probably won't find myself continuing with these characters. The good moments just didn't outweigh the negatives for me.

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