Saturday, January 19, 2019

Review: Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1

Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1 Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1 by Dave Franchini
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Grimm Universe books that Zenescope has been putting out have been pretty interesting. They take familiar fairy tale characters and put them into a modern setting, usually with some sort of superhero style story attached. In this one, Belle from Beauty and the Beast fame is put into a role that has her hunting down various monsters that are cropping up across the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Her costume reminded me a bit of Batgirl or Batwoman's.

There are some cool monsters that she fights along the way. It starts out with some well known mythological creatures and eventually settles on the Beast. My feeling on this book is that there just wasn't enough to make me care about Belle and the cast of characters that join her on this adventure. It almost feels rushed because so many of the characters taken from the inspirational material will be known to readers. I guess I would have liked to have seen more build up for some of them. Clearly, Belle has been doing this for a while and it never really seemed to matter that we were seeing this particular story.

It isn't all bad though. It's a fun enough book to read and it has a good concept. The execution wasn't up to my expectations though. I did like the art for the most part, especially when it came to the creatures that Belle was hunting. Tying this in with some of the other books under this umbrella concept might give it some more context and staying power. I wouldn't write this series off completely, but I certainly won't be going out of my way to find out what happens next.

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