Monday, June 13, 2016

Astonishing X-Men Volume 6 Review

Astonishing X-Men, Volume 6: Exogenetic. Warren Ellis and Phil Jimenez. 2010. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I'm glad to see things turned around a bit here compared to volume 5. The darkness that took over Ghost Box is still present to a degree, but the creators acknowledge and begin to move past it.

First of all, this book features the return of the Brood! I loved watching the X-Men fight them in the '90s animated series. They get an upgrade here by being genetically modified by the latest person that wants to see the X-Men destroyed. There are also organic Sentinels and an island sized monster.

The art is superb, but I've always enjoyed the work of Phil Jimenez. He takes the style from the previous book and makes it his own. And the creatures are beautiful and horrific at the same time. That alone made this a better book.

The story was mediocre though. The team has to rescue Abigail Brand after her spaceship is damaged during a check of an asteroid. This sequence is pretty cool, although once it is done the X-Men just fight monsters and head off to the bad guys secret base. The villain never evoked any real feelings from me, so I think he could have been developed better. Maybe a slower reveal would have worked in his favor. That said, his backstory actually fits really well within the overall arc.

Personally, I will likely hold off on the rest of the series for a while because it has mostly lost my interest.

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