Friday, June 17, 2016

The Four Points, Volume 1 Review

The Four Points, Volume 1. Scott Lobdell, Jordan Gunderson, Josh Reed, and Valentina Pinto. 2016. Aspen Comics. 132 pages.

Rating: 2/5

I really like the idea behind this book. It pits four women who can harness the cardinal elements against the Four Horsemen. They come from different areas of the world and they have personalities that reflect the element they are tied to. They are all given opportunities to show off what they can do.

There are a couple things that didn't work for me though. The art is something that I was conflicted on. It is gorgeous, but the female characters could have been portrayed a lot better. The outfits they wear are laughable at times. I felt like they were trying to portray strong female characters and then took a step back objectifying them.

The pacing felt odd at times. The story jumped to the next point at times without good transitions. I won't say this is something unique to this book,  but it felt like it happened more than others I've read. There is a nice twist toward the end of the story which made it more interesting. Not sure I am willing to continue reading the series though.

As a side note, the copy of this I received through Comic Bento had an exclusive alternate cover. I loved this and hope to see more of it in future boxes. It definitely is a good sign that publishers are willing to provide goodies like this to the Bento box.

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