Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Thor Volume 2 Review

Thor, Volume 2: Who Holds the Hammer? Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, and Jorge Molina. 2016. Marvel. 136 pages.

Rating: 4/5

After the mysterious appearance of a woman wielding the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir, the creators take us on a journey to discover who the new Thor is. Volume one shows that she is capable and worthy of taking on the mantle of Thor.

This volume places the original Thor, now going by the moniker Odinson, on a search for this woman's identity. At the same time, Odin unleashes the Destroyer to strip her of the hammer and reveal her identity. It was fun to follow the Odinson as he visits all of the women he can think of that may have picked up the hammer and crosses each of them off in turn.

There are twists in this search that I enjoyed a bit. Odin's approach to the situation is a bit extreme, although it is very fitting for the character as he appears in the Marvel universe. A slew of female heroes join Thor in her fight against the Destroyer. This may have been the highlight of the book for me. Thor's new identity is revealed by the end of the arc. I don't think the creators could have gotten away with dragging it out much longer.

A classic issue is included at the end of the book showing an original attempt at creating a female Thor. I liked the story, but I find that I don't care for a lot of the classic issues. They end up being boring because there is so much exposition. It doesn't detract from the main arc though.

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