Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fear Nothing, Volume 1 Review

Fear Nothing, Volume 1. Dean Koontz, Derek Ruiz, Grant Alter, and Bob Gill. 2010. Dynamite Entertainment. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

This book is an adaptation of Dean Koontz' novel Fear Nothing, which I have not read. I quite liked this adaptation of it though. It was included as part of a bundle that I purchased through Humble Bundle.

The main character, Christopher Snow, suffers from a rare genetic disorder that causes him to have severe negative reactions to light. This means that he spends most of his life indoors and in darkness, using candles for a small amount of light when necessary. After his father dies, Christopher uncovers a group that wants to prevent him from discovering the cause.

The story moves along at a nice pace. The introduction to Christopher and his affliction is handled well. There are times when I found myself forgetting about it until I noticed him doing something strange because of it. His disease is something that recurs throughout the story, and it can add some spooky elements at times.

The tension is handled well. As Christopher seeks friends who may be able to help him get to the bottom of his investigation, he gets wrapped up in strange events. The art didn't strike me as anything spectacular though. It's not bad, but it was really secondary to the story rather standing alongside it.

It doesn't look like the second volume has been released yet, which is disappointing as I find myself unlikely to pick up the novel to read the rest of the story.

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