Monday, June 6, 2016

Ghostbusters International Review

Ghostbusters International. Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening. 2016. IDW Publishing. 120 pages.

Rating: 2/5

Disclaimer: I received an ecopy via NetGalley for an honest review.

First of all, the galley I received only contained the first half of this work. That alone didn't impact my opinion on this book, but it was definitely building to something that may have left a better impression than what I was able to read.

The Ghostbusters are currently employed full time through the city of New York, handling the various hauntings that pop up. After completing a job for the United Nations, they are approached by a man who wants to buy out the operation and use their services to convert haunted real estate into usable property. A deal is struck between the mayor of New York and this businessman to split the use of the team. This leads to a trip to Venice for their first international mission.

The premise sounds pretty interesting. It gives the Ghostbusters a reason to travel outside of New York, which has more than its share of problems. The way they are approached for the deal and the implications of what the land will be used for set a little bit of mystery and tension.

I had two problems with the book though. The art on the Ghostbuster characters didn't work for me. It was kind of cartoony and exaggerated. The ghosts and some of the side characters were handled much better, and the backdrops were well done. The second thing that was a miss with me is the characters themselves. There wasn't an introduction to them at all. While the reader can infer who each of them are, it would have been better to give some information about them first. There is some of the banter that readers familiar with the franchise would expect, I felt like it didn't match the potential.

This book may appeal to die hard fans, but it is not a place for new readers to jump in.

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