Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jurassic Strike Force 5

Jurassic Strike Force 5. Neo Edmund, Matt Rogers, and JL Giles-Rivera. 2013. Zenescope. 172 pages.

Rating: 1/5

This book came in the August 2016 Comic Bento box. The dinosaur characters fit the theme. I had a hard time getting into this one though.

The story and the way this is told reminds me of the cartoons I used to watch on Saturday mornings. It features five anthropomorphized dinosaurs and their human companion battling a villain with his own dinosaur troupe and bent on taking over the universe. It is pretty over the top at times. A group of humans find the bad guy locked away in the artic and open his prison to accidentally unleash him on the world. The good guys show up to stop him and much fighting happens.

There were a number of elements that made this book not for me. The drawings of the dinosaurs were cool. It was nice to see a range of different species represented. The humans felt off to me though, both in the art and the characterization. I could have done without them entirely. The plot is ridiculous, which usually doesn't bother me. My biggest problem came with the characters though. There are at least a dozen different characters featured and I feel like I learned nothing about them. This book is all about the action. I would have preferred more information on the characters and their relationships.

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