Monday, October 10, 2016

Voltron Year One Review

Voltron Year One. Brandon Thomas and Craig Cermak. 2013. Dynamite Entertainment. 144 pages.

Rating: 4/5

This is the fourth book I received as part of the July 2016 Comic Bento box, which had a theme about robots. This one is a bit of a stretch for the theme. Voltron itself is a giant robot, but this book chronicles what happens before the team acquires Voltron. It is called Year One, although I'm not really sure that it follows a full year of events. The pacing of the story is good, there just isn't much to tie it into the title.

All of that said, I enjoyed this book a lot. Space Explorer Squadron 686, which becomes the Voltron team, is an elite group. They take on some of the most difficult missions without a problem. Until they are fed some bad information from their superiors. After that they are put through the ringer in an attempt to force them to fail. The group is cohesive at the beginning, yet they are still shown to come together in a really interesting way.

The book focuses on Sven, who is the commander of the group in this book. We get to see the struggles he has with the leadership position, and the support that others in the group, specifically Keith, provide for him. His story is the story of SES 686. It is handled so well and the end wrapped things up perfectly for both Sven and the group. The team dynamics are pretty good too. There is less focus on the other characters though.

The art is good. I wouldn't say great because I don't remember it really wowing me at any point. One thing that I liked about the art is that the backgrounds are fleshed out. I've seen a lot of books where the backgrounds are just a single color with no details, so what we have here is quite good in comparison. This bolsters the feeling of the setting too. To tie things back in, there is a teaser of Voltron at the end of the story.

I definitely recommend this book to fans of Voltron or science fiction. My only previous experience with the franchise is the old cartoon series. This book makes me want to read more.

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