Monday, August 28, 2017

Fante Bukowski Review

Fante Bukowski. Noah Van Sciver. 2015. Fantagraphics. 80 pages.

Rating: 3/5

There is something about books about writers, whether self-referential or not, that doesn't appeal to me. This one isn't terrible though, maybe because it seems to poke fun at that type of story.

Fante Bukowski is a "writer" that is on the verge of losing basically everything. Having never been published, he mooches off his parents to be able to continue this lifestyle, while making meager attempts to create something worth publishing. There are some entertaining interactions with fellow writers and agents.

I think the thing that made this one fall short for me is that it is just too pessimistic. Anything that seems to be going well for Fante ends up slipping away. I didn't enjoy the art much either. Despite these personal shortcomings, it is told well. That alone saves it from being a throw away book.

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